
The purpose of this blog is to keep friends, family and support team members up to date on the progress of ministry at Christ Community Church (PCA) and of the things that we are learning in the process. Please take some time to read through a few of the posts.

- Zack Carden

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

This Blog is Changing!!!!

Communication is difficult if you have so many different streams going in a bunch of different places. That is why I am consolidating everything through my website www.gracetokids.org. I have started a new blog on my site called: The Journey in Georgia. So, if you are interested in keeping up with our family and the ministry at Christ Community Church that is where I will be updating.


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Friday, July 3, 2009

Getting My Head Above Water

Wow! It has been a whole year since I left Chattanooga. Since VBS ended last Friday, I finally feel as if I'm getting my head above water for the first time in a long time. I haven't blogged in awhile, and that isn't because there nothing going on, it is because there is a LOT going on. In fact, there is too much to list here. That's why I invite you to come here what has happened this past year.

On Sunday Evening July 12th, I will be giving a 15 minute update on what has been happening through your prayer and financial support. You will be encouraged to see some of the faces of the people your prayers and money have helped us to reach out to.

When: Sunday Evening, July 12th @ 6pm
Where: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN.

God Bless,


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