
The purpose of this blog is to keep friends, family and support team members up to date on the progress of ministry at Christ Community Church (PCA) and of the things that we are learning in the process. Please take some time to read through a few of the posts.

- Zack Carden

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looking From October into November

So much has been happening it is hard to even know where to begin! Let's begin with housing...

As you know, we've been looking for a home. Our home in Chattanooga sold a couple of months ago (Praise God) before the housing market took a huge dive. As we've looked for a home we have been very discouraged. Most of the houses on the market now have been foreclosures, because many people do not want to put their houses on the market if they can help it. So it is what they call "slim pickins" out there in our price range.

We have had three houses inspected thus far by the same home inspector. We've seen him so much that he knows us by name and even knows the names of our children! Just this morning I met him to inspect, what we hope, is the the last house we have to inspect for a while. Praise to the Lord that it is not a foreclosed home, but instead a motivated seller. The house puts us within 30 minutes (in traffic) drive to the kids school and across Highway 41 from the property the church has purchased for its future building. On top of being in a great location, the house has plenty of space for meeting. It is just what we needed for a youth group that is beginning to show signs of growth. Because until we get a building, our house is the "youth house".

Pray for growth in the group and specifically in the church. Attendance and giving have been down since the gas shortage a few weeks ago. From what I hear, giving is down everywhere as people are still reeling from the nation's financial woes. Such a blow can be harder on smaller churches such as ours, but we wait and pray, knowing that God will provide.

This week I'm speaking at a Reformation Chapel at East Cobb Christian School. East Cobb is a PCA church that began a school (k-8th) a number of years back. It is based on a Charlotte Mason model. If you are wondering what that is, simply Google her name. The title of the message is "What They Forgot" and I will be breaking the 5 Solas down into kid-sized portions.

On Friday, I will speaking at the FCA of Hillgrove High School. The title of that talk is, "The Lists We Keep". It will focus on the trap of trying please God religiously instead of pursuing Him relationally. Pray that I will make good connections there and that those who want to know more will approach me afterward.

Things appear to be going well in the Northwest Georgia Presbytery. Mike Glass (my pastor) has passed the responsibility of overseeing RUF ministries in our Presbytery to me and I am to meet with and encourage our RUF minster at Kennesaw State University, Chris Bowen. Chris is the same person who let me stay at his apartment here while I was in transition. Pray for him as he continues to raise much needed support.

What I find interesting is that I continue to work (in some respect) with covenant children from birth to college. There is nothing more thrilling that watching these kids grow up and form hearts that desire to serve God. Of course, there is nothing as sad as watching a covenant child walk away from the faith. So, I very much realize my great responsibility. Pray that the Lord will speak to the hearts of these children in ways neither I nor my teacher could ever do.

Finally, I have recently self-published a children's book for Christmas. Some of you may have read the first edition I put out a number of years ago in my former church. This version is full color and has been revised and updated. The story centers around a family whose father adds a piece of the nativity set one at a time and tells how each piece reminds us of the coming King. It is called The King in the Corner and is available now at www.lulu.com/zackcarden.

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